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Mastering Gravel Riding: Essential Techniques for Off-Road Adventure Motorcycling

In today's adventure motorcycle off-road riding tip, we're going to delve into the art of riding on gravel roads. Whether you're exploring unfamiliar terrain or navigating dirt roads with loose surfaces and rocky obstacles, it's crucial to understand how to handle these conditions effectively. We'll provide you with three essential techniques to conquer gravel riding with confidence. So let's dive in!

  1. Adjust Speed for Control: When riding on roads you're unfamiliar with, it's essential to adjust your speed accordingly. By finding a comfortable pace that allows you to maintain control over your bike, you can navigate the unpredictable nature of gravel roads more effectively. Abrupt braking can be challenging in gravel, and excessive acceleration can cause the bike to lose traction. So, prioritize control by adjusting your speed to a level where you feel comfortable maneuvering through turns and maintaining stability.

  2. Seek Traction: To enhance your traction while riding on gravel, it's crucial to transfer some of your weight to the rear tire. Many riders make the mistake of bending their knees forward and squeezing the bike with their knees while keeping minimal weight on the foot pegs. However, this forward weight distribution reduces traction on the rear tire, hindering acceleration and stability. Instead, focus on the recommended riding position: balls of your feet on the pegs, toes turned inward, and drop your heels. This position transfers more weight to the rear tire, allowing you to gain traction when accelerating. As you drop your heels further upon acceleration, your feet will lock down, providing a tight and controlled grip on the bike, preventing fishtailing or loss of control.

  3. Master Braking Techniques: When it comes to braking on gravel roads, striking a balance between front and rear brakes is crucial. Aggressive use of either brake can lead to loss of control. Maintain your index finger on the front brake lever at all times, especially while standing up. This position allows you to keep control while providing an opportunity to drag the front brake gradually. By anticipating turns and reading the terrain ahead, you can gently squeeze the front brake lever, transferring weight to the front tire and maintaining traction for a controlled deceleration. As you slow down, you can also employ the rear brake gently for additional braking power. The key is to avoid sudden and aggressive braking, ensuring a smooth and safe ride.

  4. Mastering Turns on Gravel: Making turns on gravel roads requires caution due to reduced traction. Instead of leaning your body into the turn, focus on weight transfer techniques to stabilize the bike. As you approach a turn, keep your body centered on the bike while dropping the heel on the inside foot peg. This technique transfers weight to the inside foot peg, initiating a controlled lean of the bike without excessive body movement. This centered approach allows you to maintain balance and stability, making wider turns while minimizing the risk of losing traction. By mastering this technique, you can confidently navigate gravel turns without compromising control.

Conclusion: Gravel riding presents unique challenges that require specific techniques for mastery. By applying these three essential techniques, including adjusting speed for control, seeking traction through weight transfer, and mastering braking and turning techniques, you can elevate your gravel riding skills to a new level. Remember to always prioritize control and safety while enjoying the thrill of off-road adventures.

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The California Backcountry Discovery Route - BDR

The California Backcountry Discovery Route (BDR) is a stunning off road motorcycle route that takes riders through some of the most beautiful and rugged landscapes in the state. Spanning over 800 miles, the route starts in the northernmost point of California, near the Oregon border, and ends in the southernmost point near the Mexico border. Along the way, riders will experience a diverse array of terrains and environments, from lush forests to arid deserts, rugged mountains to rolling hills.

Get prepared for the CABDR with our Adventure Motorcycle Training Course

Riding long stretches of off road trails can be intimidating especially when you are new to riding adventure motorcycles. Make sure to spend some time on getting comfortable on your bike and learning the fundamentals of off road riding before taking on big adventures like the CABDR.

The BDR was first conceptualized in 2006 by a group of motorcycle enthusiasts who wanted to create a route that would showcase the best of what California has to offer. They spent countless hours researching and mapping out the best roads and trails, and in 2007, the first California BDR was officially established. Since then, the route has become a popular destination for adventure riders from all over the world, and is considered one of the best motorcycle routes in the world.

One of the things that makes the California BDR so unique is the diversity of landscapes it traverses. Riders will start out in the lush forests of the Pacific Northwest, where towering redwoods and Douglas firs provide a canopy overhead. As they make their way south, the terrain changes dramatically, transitioning into the arid deserts of the Central Valley. Here, riders will encounter cacti, Joshua trees, and other desert plants, and will have the opportunity to see some of California's iconic wildlife, such as bighorn sheep and golden eagles.

As riders continue south, they will enter the Sierra Nevada mountains, where they will be treated to breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks, alpine meadows, and crystal-clear lakes. This section of the BDR is considered one of the most challenging, as the road climbs to elevations over 10,000 feet, with tight switchbacks and steep grades. But for those who are up to the challenge, the rewards are well worth it.

As riders leave the Sierra Nevada and make their way into Southern California, the landscape changes yet again, with the route passing through rolling hills and vast open spaces. This is the perfect place to stretch your legs and open up the throttle, as the roads here are wide and winding, and the scenery is absolutely stunning.

Having your motorcycle and equipment prepared is one of the key ingredients for a successful BDR trip.

One of the things that makes the California BDR so special is the people you will meet along the way. From the locals who live in the small towns dotting the route, to the other riders you will encounter on the road, everyone is friendly and welcoming. Along the way, you will have the opportunity to stop at local restaurants, bars, and hotels, where you can sample some of California's delicious food and drink, and meet other riders who are also on the BDR.

Another thing that makes the BDR so appealing is its accessibility. Unlike many other motorcycle routes, the BDR is designed to be ridden on a wide range of bikes, from big adventure bikes to smaller dual-sport motorcycles. The route is well-maintained, with plenty of gas stations and other amenities along the way, so riders don't have to worry about being stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Our adventure motorcycle training curriculum will prepare you for every type of terrain that you will come across on your BDR adventure.

However, the BDR is not without its challenges. The route is long and demanding, and requires a good level of fitness and riding skill. Riders should also be prepared for the changing weather conditions, as the route passes through a wide range of environments, from hot deserts to cold mountain passes. And, because the BDR is not a closed course, riders will have to be mindful of other vehicles, such as cars and trucks, and watch out for wild animals.

Overall, the California Backcountry Discovery Route is an unforgettable motorcycle adventure that takes riders through some of the most beautiful and stunning landscapes in the state. With over 800 miles of diverse terrain, riders will experience everything from lush forests to arid deserts, rugged mountains to rolling hills. Whether you're a seasoned adventure rider or just looking for an exciting motorcycle trip, the BDR has something to offer everyone. It's a journey that will leave an indelible mark in the minds of riders and they'll forever cherish the memories made. And the experience will make them want to ride it again, in the future. So, pack your bags, and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime on the California BDR!

If you are interested in setting off for your first BDR adventure but you don’t feel quite ready yet, consider signing up for one of our Adventure Motorcyle classes. You will learn all of the necessary fundamental off road riding techniques that will help you along the way when riding in challenging terrain.

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Adventure Bike School California

Adventure motorcycles are a great way to go and explore the world off the beaten path. From exploring the back country roads of your State, taking on a BDR or riding your bike across continents, the opportunities are endless. Every good adventure needs a certain amount of preparation and taking your Adventure bike out is no difference. A lot of riders that take the Sedlak Offroad School ADV courses have limited off road experience and come form a street riding background. Learning the fundamentals of off road riding is crucial especially when you are riding a 550 lbs bike. Being able to control the bike safely and use the weight of the machine to your advantage instead of “wrestling” it through sandy section and rocky roads will not only give you more confidence it will also safe of you a lot of energy enabling you to ride further.


Our half day ADV course is a great starting point to improve your riding instantly. We break our sessions down into three important fundamental techniques:

  1. Body Position. We teach you how to properly position your feet on the foot pegs for maximum leverage and control. Controlling the your motorcycle from the first point of contact (foot peg) will be a game changer for every rider. Furthermore we will work on bringing you upper body forward on the bike and working efficiently with your arms.

  2. Clutch, Brake and Throttle control. Riding off road can be intimidating at first because of the lack of traction and grip. We teach you how to properly apply your clutch and throttle to gain traction and control. Once you are picking up speed you need to be able to stop. We created several braking drills that will help you feel in total control of your ADV bike at all times.

  3. Controlling your bike standing up. Riding standing up sounds pretty simple and it is as long is you are comfortable on solid surface. Naturally you loose a little confidence when you are approaching a new section. Most riders compromise their position on the motorcycle approaching challenging section which puts them in a bad spot before they even get into tricky terrain. Our stand up drills will provide you the tools needed to master tricky sand washes and rocky river crossings.

If you are interested in our ADV trainings here in San Diego or would like for us to organize a group training for your club or group of friends feel free to reach out to us info@sedlakoffroadschool.com and we are happy to provide you with all the information needed. To book a 1 day class you can find more information here: www.sedlakoffroadschool.com/book-your-event/adventure-bike-training. Sedlak Offroad School founder Daniel Sedlak has discovered the world on two wheels from riding the Himalayas in Nepal to crossing the jungles of Cambodia. Daniel has experience on a wide range of ADV bikes from BMW to KTM, Yamaha, Ducati, Triumph and more. He build our ADV curriculum based on his 25 years of racing and adventure riding experience. His influence from Enduro and Rally racing will give your training an extra boost.

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5 Reason Why You Should Learn How To Ride Your Motorcycle Off Road

Riding a motorcycle off road can be intimidating especially if you have never done it before. It doesn’t have to be though. If you focus on learning the basic techniques needed to ride a motorcycle over dirt roads and rocky riverbeds you will figure out that it is actually a lot of fun. It is also a lot more forgiving in the rare case that you do go down. A crash on your motorcycle on the street even without traffic comes with a high price not only for your health but also for your bike. Here are the top 5 reasons why EVERY motorcycle rider should at least learn the basics of riding in the dirt.

Balance and braking

It is a lot harder to ride in the dirt than it is to ride on the street. You are constantly trying to keep your motorcycle in a straight line on shifting terrain, and when it is time to stop you can just pull the break in and trust in the traction of your front wheel. Your tires lock up a lot easier on loose ground requiring you to apply a lot more feeling on your break levers. Once you can control your motorcycle off road it will be a lot easier to ride it in every day traffic especially when the roads get a little slippery.


When you know what you are doing on two wheels and you can predict what your motorcycle will do in certain situations you will have a lot more confidence. For new riders group rides can be especially stressful because it is more difficult to ride in close proximity to other riders. Learning how to control a motorcycle off road will build the confidence you need to be save on your street bike.


Controlling a motorcycle in the dirt requires a lot more throttle, clutch and break control yet the same principles apply to riding on the street. Learn how to master all of the techniques needed to ride off road and you will never struggle in every day traffic again.


As mentioned before, mistakes are a lot more costly on the road. When you are learning to ride off road the speed is a lot lower, the ground is softer and a dirt bike is build for hard impacts so even if you do make a mistake you can just get up, dust yourself off and try again. This will allow you to make mistakes, learn from them and eventually find your own limit with out any big consequences.


Riding a motorcycle off road is FUN. It doesn’t matter if your background s in street riding, adventure bikes or you don’t have a motorcycle background at all, there is nothing more fun then riding a motorcycle through a set of wide open land. Who hasn’t seen clips of riders exploring the world on two wheels and imagined the freedom that comes with that. Well learning the basics of how to ride a motorcycle off road will be step one to experiencing that freedom.

At Sedlak Offroad School we have a lot of different courses that can introduce you to the world of off road motorcycle riding. Make sure to give us a call when you are ready

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Enduro Training Vietnam

At the beginning of last year I got an awesome opportunity to travel to Vietnam. I was in Cambodia to organize a Motocross training for Top 1 Oil and the decision was made to extend my trip with a weekend in Hanoi. Vietnam doesn't have any Motocross tracks but a lot of Enduro riders so we decided to focus on Enduro riding while we were there. I had been to Cambodia before and it was really hot and humid and after a short look at the weather app seeing 90 degree temperatures I decided to pack for a hot weather trip. Upon arrival in Vietnam I came to find out that even though the two countries are neighbours the weather can be very different. Temperatures in the low 30s welcomed us and I realized that only bringing shorts and one sweatshirt wasn't the smartest move I've made in my years of travelling around the world. After a quick trip to the mall to get some warmer clothes it was time to explore Hanoi and see what the city had to offer. The history and architecture of Hanoi were amazing. We tried some of the local food and had one too many coffee's trying to stay warm. Day two meant it was time to go riding. A lot of rain over night and in the morning weren't a great base for a day of Enduro riding in freezing temperatures. We met the vietnamese Top 1 distributor at the hotel and drove an hour out of the city to the banks of the red river. We had a great view of the city with the Cau Ving Tuy bridge in the background and a lot of sand, rocks and mud to work with. I was provided a Yamaha WR 450 which was perfect for the terrain. Shortly after the riders started trickling in and we were ready to go. 25 riders showed up and were ready to fight the wet and cold weather to learn how to ride their Enduro bikes better. Throughout the day we covered all kinds of riding techniques and little tricks to make it easier for them to navigate the challenging terrain. A nice lunch grilled over a open charcoil fire rounded up one of the best Enduro days I've ever had. Everyone that came out improved their riding tremendously and left with a big smile. It was a surreal feeling riding on the banks of the red river and realizing that 40 years ago this was the side of heavy bombings during the Vietnam war. It put in perspective how lucky I was to travell to so many different places in the world to enjoy riding motorcycles in peace. The riding scene in Vietnam is growing every year amd even though it is hard to find terrain to set up a track or a trail system because of government regulations the enthusiasm of the local riders is at an all time high. If you are intrerested in travelling I recommend putting Vietnam on the top of your list of places to see in Asia. I'm looking forward to going back and seeing more corners of this beatiful country.

Follow Daniel Sedlak and the crew at Top 1 Synthetics while they travel to Hanoi, Vietnam to organize the first Enduro training class ever in this part of the world. After a week of riding and training in Cambodia the journey continued to northern Vietnam.

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