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Enduro School San Diego

Our San Diego based Enduro and Dual Sport courses are getting busier every year. If you have been wondering what to expect or what you learn at one of these full day Enduro training sessions you will find all the answers here.

Our curriculum is based on Daniel Sedlak’s 25 years of racing experience. With a a 10 year professional career in Motocross and Enduro that took him all around the world he has a good feel about the fundamentals that are needed to make a good Enduro rider. All of our instructors have worked with this curriculum for multiple years which allows us to provide a great quality training across the different groups of riders. Everyone of our Enduro School has two groups of riders. Group 1 is for riders that are new to riding off road and look to learn the fundamentals and group two is for more advanced riders/ racers that are looking to build up their confidence and speed.

All of our Enduro trainings are limited to 15 riders total to allow for two groups of 7 to 8 riders in a training session.

Our training are consists of five specifically build trails that each focus on different Enduro skill sets. Both groups get to train on all 5 trails just at different times throughout the day. Initially we start out on some very basic training loops in order to warm up and focus on the fundamental body position that will make it easier for you to rider more technical terrain later. The goal here is for the riders to be able to fully focus on improving their form and position on the bike without having to stress about the terrain. This loop also allows us to take a look at everyones bike and suspension set up. Often we are able to spot little set up improvements that will help settle your Enduro bike into the trail a lot better.

All of our Enduro trails have options to be more or less challenging depending on the Enduro skills we want to focus on.

We keep a training rhythm of 45 minutes on the trail followed by a 15 minute water break before we move on to the next training loop. This allows everyone to get plenty of seat time to focus on the various techniques that we teach


You might say , well I’m not a racer I don’t need the training. Most of our clients aren’t racers. The majority of riders that join our training events are recreational Enduro and Dual Sport riders that are looking to improve their skills, grow their confidence and become better, more efficient riders. After a full day of training and riding on some great trails you will leave with improved riding technique and 15 new riding buddies that you can meet up with again in the future. We make our training accessible to all riders. We have participants that rider a Suzuki DRZ 400 or a KAWASAKI KLX and we have participants that ride a Six Day Edition KTM Enduro bike. We gurantee that we will have the right group for you to improve your riding in a low pressure environment.

Enduro trail rider training in San Diego. Enjoy our private Enduro trails and learn how to ride your motorcycle off road.

Enjoy our private trails while you sharpen your skills and become a better rider.

Interested in joining us? Check out our upcoming classes here and sign up for one of our courses.

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5 Reason Why You Should Learn How To Ride Your Motorcycle Off Road

Riding a motorcycle off road can be intimidating especially if you have never done it before. It doesn’t have to be though. If you focus on learning the basic techniques needed to ride a motorcycle over dirt roads and rocky riverbeds you will figure out that it is actually a lot of fun. It is also a lot more forgiving in the rare case that you do go down. A crash on your motorcycle on the street even without traffic comes with a high price not only for your health but also for your bike. Here are the top 5 reasons why EVERY motorcycle rider should at least learn the basics of riding in the dirt.

Balance and braking

It is a lot harder to ride in the dirt than it is to ride on the street. You are constantly trying to keep your motorcycle in a straight line on shifting terrain, and when it is time to stop you can just pull the break in and trust in the traction of your front wheel. Your tires lock up a lot easier on loose ground requiring you to apply a lot more feeling on your break levers. Once you can control your motorcycle off road it will be a lot easier to ride it in every day traffic especially when the roads get a little slippery.


When you know what you are doing on two wheels and you can predict what your motorcycle will do in certain situations you will have a lot more confidence. For new riders group rides can be especially stressful because it is more difficult to ride in close proximity to other riders. Learning how to control a motorcycle off road will build the confidence you need to be save on your street bike.


Controlling a motorcycle in the dirt requires a lot more throttle, clutch and break control yet the same principles apply to riding on the street. Learn how to master all of the techniques needed to ride off road and you will never struggle in every day traffic again.


As mentioned before, mistakes are a lot more costly on the road. When you are learning to ride off road the speed is a lot lower, the ground is softer and a dirt bike is build for hard impacts so even if you do make a mistake you can just get up, dust yourself off and try again. This will allow you to make mistakes, learn from them and eventually find your own limit with out any big consequences.


Riding a motorcycle off road is FUN. It doesn’t matter if your background s in street riding, adventure bikes or you don’t have a motorcycle background at all, there is nothing more fun then riding a motorcycle through a set of wide open land. Who hasn’t seen clips of riders exploring the world on two wheels and imagined the freedom that comes with that. Well learning the basics of how to ride a motorcycle off road will be step one to experiencing that freedom.

At Sedlak Offroad School we have a lot of different courses that can introduce you to the world of off road motorcycle riding. Make sure to give us a call when you are ready

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